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Church Under a Tree!
Covington, Tennessee

What We Do
In early 2018, Church Under a Tree began meeting under a tree in Repentance Park in downtown Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Over the next five years we served that community. Through the Covid19 pandemic and several hurricanes, we never missed a Sunday for over 270 weeks.
When God called us to Covington, Tennessee we began meeting under a tree at Frazier Park every Sunday at 3pm, rain or shine, hot or cold. While the setting changed, God's calling on our ministry stayed the same:
To share the gospel and the love of Jesus Christ.
To share hot meals with everyone who joins us under the tree.
To build friendships and relationships with everyone He sends our way.
Because we love Jesus, and because He is both our Savior and our Lord, we do our best to love you like He does—unconditionally. No matter what. Here's what that looks like:
When we meet we have intimate discussions about the real Truth of God’s Word and how to apply it to real life.
We do our best to live out the Truth of God’s Word—not just talk about it.
We pray faithfully for those who gather with us under the tree.
We give practical help and connect people in need with resources that can help them.
Our ministry is financed from prayer and faith alone. We have never solicited a donation. Not once. And God continues to provide everything we need to serve His children. It is one of the many miracles we've experienced at Church Under a Tree. People just give. And they give generously. And because we don't have a building or paid staff (we all volunteer), every penny we receive is used to provide for those who gather with us under the tree. 100% of what you give to us, we give to the people God sends to us. Every penny. Just like Jesus did…

Who We Are
Church Under a Tree is made up of families, single women and men, and kids. Some of us don’t “do church” in a building on Sunday morning, but some of us do. All of us believe that Church Under a Tree is what Jesus would do…and for the most part that’s very different than how most people do church in a building.
The singular focus of Church Under A Tree, to do Church like Jesus did, means we are committed to intimate personal relationships that point all of us to Jesus.
The foundational Scripture of Church Under a Tree is Luke 15:1-7... "Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

Serving Our Community

Church Under A Tree is dedicated to loving God's children and serving them by being the hands and feet of Jesus. Through the power of The Holy Spirit we believe we can transform lives and change eternities! If you want to help us make a difference, join us!
Where: Church Under a Tree
Frazier Park (under a tree)
412 Long Avenue
Covington, Tennessee 38019
When: Every Sunday at 3:00pm (rain or shine)
Check out Church Under a Tree on Social Media:
FACEBOOK ("Like" and "Follow" us): fb.me/ChurchUnderaTree
INSTAGRAM ("Follow" us): @churchunderatreetn

Contact Us
412 Long Avenue
Covington, TN 38019
(901) 800-6186